Day of Resistance

by 19:03:00 0 comments
I feel like "John Conor" struggling to figure out which road doesn't end in a ditch of failure. Since morning I planned for something and then planned evolved into something else. But I realized while my plan was evolving that I only need not focus on the things like will I pass an exam or not but on only on the thing which I can do right now. All I do right now is to continue my struggle and fight back. No matter how many times I was thrown to the ground.

I need to focus on not on the result, not on the monthly plan, not on this week plan, not even this day plan but only on the 3 hr from now and plan them meticulously and work forward till one project is completed. and when this project is completed then only move forward. Don't leave it half done. complete it. and if cannot be completed today complete it tomorrow but don't start a new one.


endangered human


As the name suggest, I must be Paurush Chaudhery, the writer of above article. While in Love, I too was facing problems and dilemma about the mechanics of LOVE. Only thing came out of the hole in my face(bigger one) was "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED". So, here I am in search of meaning of LOVE and sharing my findings with you. Hope you like it. And one more thing, I am also the one, making this noise in your head "BLAAAH prrr pooom BOOM"


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